this man is SO HOT (cough) - how could he be still available?

at first i thought these video personal ads were tragic and depressing - but you know what - i decided they are truly inspiring because you know what, God Bless 'Em, they are still trying and looking and optimistic enough to put themselves out there and, well, some of them could probably really enjoy each other's company so go for it! "Hope springs eternal!"

here are a couple more hotties who are most likely currently looking for YOUR love!


"Ronald, The Questionably Blind Pirate":

"Audrey, The Lady With The Hormones Of A 14-Year-Old Boy":

"David, The Androgynous Rosie O'Donnell Impersonator And Human Equivalent Of NyQuil":

and oh, there are so many more collected at the site below:

Dating On Demand, as it turns out, is a national VOD service offered by cable provider Comcast that airs three to five minute-long profiles of those who are single and looking. What's great about the service is that it not only gives love-hungry viewers the opportunity to see and hear their possible mates in a manner not necessarily afforded to them by or, but the videos get leaked online! Score one for me!

If you're looking on love but don't have the time to sift through tons of profiles, no fear - I've done the work for you and broken the singles down by their "type," which should make it easy.