red state update on "the obama birthers"



It’s looking more and more like the forged “Kenyan birth certificate” released by Orly Taitz on Sunday was a prank by a supporter of President Obama. Politijab points to an anonymous blogger at FearlessBlogging, who has uploaded four photos of the original forgery and a mocking declaration:

Fine cotton business paper: $11

Inkjet printer: $35

1940 Royal Model KMM manual typewriter: $10

2 Shilling coin: $1

Pilot Varsity fountain pen: $3

Punkin’ the Birthers: Priceless

A story in the Australian media, which has tracked down David Jeffrey Bomford, the man whose birth certificate was used in the forgery. He seems amused by the whole thing.

"That is ridiculous. Little old person in Adelaide, the President of the United States. I don't know whether to laugh about it or not, be worried about it," Bomford said. "It is interesting, someone from here being involved in a conspiracy -- that is so funny .... It's definitely a copy of my certificate. It's so laughable it's ridiculous."

the self proclaimed head of the birthers explains her position:

full sized image of the supposed kenyan birth certificate:

Problems with it: 1)it's dated 1961 and says "Republic of Kenya" - Kenya was a British colony at the time of Obama's birth and was not a "Republic" until December 1964, it would have been headed as 'Colony & Protectorate of Kenya 2:) the city it lists as the place of his birth was part of Zanzibar at the time of Obama's birth on August 4th 1961 and only became an official part of Kenya in 1963.

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wedding dance vids - old. new - divorce dance videos

no, it's not an official divorce proceeding, but i bet a lot of people have felt like doing a little dance on their divorce day...

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NOT FAIR! Golf shot wins BMW by bouncing off other golfers ball :(


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creeping police state

Another Andrew bit:

A camera captures cops planting drugs on a compliant suspect in Cookeville, Tennessee. Meanwhile, in Idaho:

Murphy said the officer who used the Taser -— described as Officer #3 in the report — also coarsely threatened to use the Taser in the man's anus and genitals. Murphy's report says that use of Taser on a man's buttock's does not violate policy in and of itself; the question is whether it was "reasonable and necessary."

My favorite quote from the land of the free in this case:

Continue reading "Creeping Police State Watch" »

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andrew sullivan's site:

Ryan Powers produces this chart of House health industry donations from data. He's trying to counter the Blue Dog claim that they receive more money from health interests simply because industry agrees with their positions most of the time. Yglesias opines:
This is why the very same members likely to be concerned that expanding coverage to the poor is too expensive also tend to be the same members who oppose saving money through the introduction of a robust public option embedded in a strong health insurance exchange. There are some visions of “health care reform” that are compatible with the interests of insurers, and the job of on-the-take Democrats is to try to steer legislation into that harbor.

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How Clean Is Your Favorite Beach? Find Out Now

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Fun! Vegetable gardens crop up in Seattle parking strips The Seattle City Council is working to increase availability of affordable, locally grown fo

The Seattle City Council is working to increase availability of affordable, locally grown food. One approach: allowing folks to grow vegetable gardens in parking strips — the no man's land between sidewalk and curb.

full artucle:

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im sorry but glenn is quickly losing his mind... listen through

i used to like Glenn beck, in a sort of, OK, i can sorta understand your point of view... but lately he seems to be getting more and more psychotic in his presentation (see Glenn beck for a variety of breakdowns...)- this is not the way to make a convincing argument to your opposition like, for instance, Buckley did in his early days at the National Review when he made an appeal to the mainstream of America to adopt or at least consider the Conservative point of view... things have changed... things have changed...

even the video editing is wrong, the turtle is WAY CUTER than Glenn... who makes this stuff and why am I not in charge? I could make right wing propaganda that would work on lefties... who are these schlubbs?

not to mention that if all the otter4s and turtles die - we are probably next... guys, try to think ahead, a little... just a tiny bit a little ahead?


ok, so that's one example. now let's play six degrees of separation - here he manages to conjure up and create a vast communist conspiracy he must have uncovered just before waking up from a fever fueled dream. I can't even follow his line of thinking or what he is trying to actually say here. somehow it involves rodney king, nasa, communists, the stimulus package, ACORN, organized labor, the health care system, all environmentalists, the entire democratic party all secretly working towards some nefarious goal, which he conveniently doesn't even mention what that end goal is - but it must be bad if so many people are in on it. I would say that a conspiracy is a couple guys secretly meeting in a room to draw up a plan for some specific goal, but when a conspiracy grows to the point that it apparently involves almost the entirety of society in one way or another it's no longer called a conspiracy, it's called the people. Glenn, just because you disagree with people doesn't mean they are any more a part of a conspiracy than you and your friends are part of a conspiracy, it's two groups of people who disagree. oh well, let's all gather round and watch as Beck descends further and further into some loopy mishmash of buzzwords and names:

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health care - blunt postition...

yes, it has it's positives and negatives but this is what i think we need to catch us up to all the other first world countries of the world....

Health Care Reform is MEANINGLESS without a strong condition-free PUBLIC OPTION, with clear unrestricted path to SINGLE PAYER.

A Public Option must be administered by the Federal Government.
A Public Option must be available to anyone who wants it.
A Public Option must be available to anyone, irrespective of Pre-Existing Conditions
A Public Option must be available to anyone at affordable rates.
A Public Option must be available to anyone whether employed or not.
A Public Option must be available to anyone whether his/her employer offers it or not.
A Public Option must NOT have any conditions placed on it by any private or for-profit entities.
A Public Option must NOT restrict anyone from opting in or out of it.
A Public Option must NOT be restricted from evolving into Single Payer.

A Public Option, and ultimately Single Payer, must be fully financed from federal taxes.

A Public Option must be made mandatory for ALL government employees, including Congress.

It's time the US joined other civilized nations of the world in providing basic health care to ALL it's citizens, without exception.

Don't bother to pass anything if it does not have A CLEAR CONDITION-FREE PUBLIC OPTION.

yes, of course, it's a blogger on , did you think it was on drudge or fox....

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opposite bias - why do we not know this is Obama's sister?

Maya Kassandra Soetoro-Ng (pronounced /ˈmaɪə suːˈtoʊroʊ ˈɪŋ/[1]; born August 15, 1970 in Jakarta, Indonesia[2]) is an American high school history teacher and university instructor in Hawaii and the maternal half-sister of Barack Obama, the President of the United States.

oh wait - she's basically white and messes up the white vs. black easy dichotomy that the 24 hour news cycle (cnn, fox and msnbc are equally guilty) feeds on...

mom obama step dad and sister Maya ... does this look like a black panther family? I would say blacks have more to worry about than whites, but that's just me... right?

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ok, this article is obama bias, i admit - stem cell law change with no description of changes at all

This is near Pravda stuff, come on guys.... ENTIRE article from Reuters below

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama directed federal agencies on Thursday to enact new rules governing federally funded research on human embryonic stem cells.

The rules, issued earlier this year by the National Institutes of Health, loosened some ethical requirements that scientists said could have cost them a decade of work.

"I hereby direct the heads of executive departments and agencies that support and conduct stem cell research to adopt these guidelines, to the fullest extent practicable in light of legal authorities and obligations," Obama said in a statement.

In March, Obama lifted restrictions on human embryonic stem cell research that had been put in place by his predecessor as president, George W. Bush, and asked the NIH to draw up new guidelines.

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top ten things overheard at the "beer summit."

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ok, we're not all this crazy nor can we all do this trick - thank you very much!

Watch a gay porn star snort a condom into his nose and out of his mouth.

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mothers in the house - who hasnt wanted to do this at one point?

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oh rosanne - first the national anthem and now this?

at least you did the photo shoot for a jewish humour magazine, so i guess we can't complain... but, omg, who came up with this concept!

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