i used to like Glenn beck, in a sort of, OK, i can sorta understand your point of view... but lately he seems to be getting more and more psychotic in his presentation (see youtube.com Glenn beck for a variety of breakdowns...)- this is not the way to make a convincing argument to your opposition like, for instance, Buckley did in his early days at the National Review when he made an appeal to the mainstream of America to adopt or at least consider the Conservative point of view... things have changed... things have changed...
even the video editing is wrong, the turtle is WAY CUTER than Glenn... who makes this stuff and why am I not in charge? I could make right wing propaganda that would work on lefties... who are these schlubbs?
not to mention that if all the otter4s and turtles die - we are probably next... guys, try to think ahead, a little... just a tiny bit a little ahead?
ok, so that's one example. now let's play six degrees of separation - here he manages to conjure up and create a vast communist conspiracy he must have uncovered just before waking up from a fever fueled dream. I can't even follow his line of thinking or what he is trying to actually say here. somehow it involves rodney king, nasa, communists, the stimulus package, ACORN, organized labor, the health care system, all environmentalists, the entire democratic party all secretly working towards some nefarious goal, which he conveniently doesn't even mention what that end goal is - but it must be bad if so many people are in on it. I would say that a conspiracy is a couple guys secretly meeting in a room to draw up a plan for some specific goal, but when a conspiracy grows to the point that it apparently involves almost the entirety of society in one way or another it's no longer called a conspiracy, it's called the people. Glenn, just because you disagree with people doesn't mean they are any more a part of a conspiracy than you and your friends are part of a conspiracy, it's two groups of people who disagree. oh well, let's all gather round and watch as Beck descends further and further into some loopy mishmash of buzzwords and names:
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