red state update on "the obama birthers"

It’s looking more and more like the forged “Kenyan birth certificate” released by Orly Taitz on Sunday was a prank by a supporter of President Obama. Politijab points to an anonymous blogger at FearlessBlogging, who has uploaded four photos of the original forgery and a mocking declaration:

Fine cotton business paper: $11

Inkjet printer: $35

1940 Royal Model KMM manual typewriter: $10

2 Shilling coin: $1

Pilot Varsity fountain pen: $3

Punkin’ the Birthers: Priceless

A story in the Australian media, which has tracked down David Jeffrey Bomford, the man whose birth certificate was used in the forgery. He seems amused by the whole thing.

"That is ridiculous. Little old person in Adelaide, the President of the United States. I don't know whether to laugh about it or not, be worried about it," Bomford said. "It is interesting, someone from here being involved in a conspiracy -- that is so funny .... It's definitely a copy of my certificate. It's so laughable it's ridiculous."

the self proclaimed head of the birthers explains her position:

full sized image of the supposed kenyan birth certificate:

Problems with it: 1)it's dated 1961 and says "Republic of Kenya" - Kenya was a British colony at the time of Obama's birth and was not a "Republic" until December 1964, it would have been headed as 'Colony & Protectorate of Kenya 2:) the city it lists as the place of his birth was part of Zanzibar at the time of Obama's birth on August 4th 1961 and only became an official part of Kenya in 1963.