Oprah interviews polygamist mormons (FLDS)


vid one: a day in the life

vid two: The women of the ranch explain the (in)famous hairstyles

vid three: Oprah asks about race and talks with second graders from the Yearning for Zion Ranch

The Yearning for Zion (YFZ) Ranch, a polygamist community in Eldorado, Texas, made national headlines in March 2008 when armed authorities raided the community. Authorities had been tipped off by a phone call claiming the 16-year-old caller was being abused by her husband, a 50-year-old man. Child protective services removed more than 400 children from their homes as investigations continued, but two months later the Texas Supreme Court sent all but one of the children back to their homes, citing lack of evidence of abuse.

i wish she had asked what they do with all of the excess males that result from polygamy?