Granny get your gun! she spent 32 years in prison for attempting to assassinate President Gerald Ford

To look at this 80-year-old grandmotherly woman, it is difficult to imagine that she spent 32 years in prison for attempting to assassinate President Gerald Ford, but that's exactly what happened. On September 22, 1975 in San Francisco, Sara Jane Moore fired a shot at President Ford that missed his head by several feet. A bystander wrestled her to the ground before she was taken into custody by authorities. In 1979 she even escaped prison!

Moore was a 45-year-old divorced mother who hung around disaffected groups feeding her alienation. Looking back on the incident, she says of her earlier self that it seems like a "different person."

it's hard to keep in mind that so many of the granny and grandpop cuddly looking folks out there were so radical, and maybe some still are... the image of an extremist is so closely associated with youth that there is a slight cognitive dissonance between the mannerisms and appearance vs the radical past. this West Virginia woman looks like she just wants to pinch someone's cheeks and give them a cookie and some milk...