An interesting read, especially for the moms and pops out there I guess.
I particularly remember a moment when I, like Adam and Eve in the garden, realized I was naked and "became ashamed." I wasn't very old, 5 or 6 maybe, and asked my mom to close the bedroom door where I was changing out of my soggy swimsuit and into some dry shorts during a family gathering. So, I guess, for me, that was the time for the fig leaf? Any thots from moms and pops or former kids on this one?
um, yes, i have a thought on this one... in fact, i had my fig leaf moment just yesterday, at the ripe old age of 34. a "friend of a friend" recommended a particular public fitness center where i could take a shower for a mere $1.85, not the $4 i had been paying to use the shower at a fancy yoga spa. (my well is running dry, no showers at home, a side effect of living in a drought-ridden desert.) so... off i went to save $2.15. i was surprised to discover that the shower heads were lined up along one wall, with no curtains in front of or between them. i imagine this is quite similar to bathing facilities in, say, a state prison? every other woman was covered with a bathing suit, apparently aware of the conditions. i had a struggle deciding whether to go for it in my birthday suit or to foreswear my $1.85, and head over to that yoga spa(i didn't come prepared for this... i had no bathing suit in my back pocket.) Had ALL the women, or at least just ONE other, also been nude, I'd have had no problem. I've been in my fair share of group nudity situations, yet another side effect of living in a drought-ridden desert - one populated with hippies and hot springs galore. And beyond the obligatory nude hippie scenes which helped to fill my early adulthood, i really have never had a problem being un-covered in general. UNTIL YESTERDAY! why now? what is it that causes one individual to desire a modest fig leaf at the young age of 5, and another one of us to proceed unknowingly through 34 years of life before feeling this common discretionary urge? Anyway, it was a major moment in my devlopment as an upstanding member of society and i thank you uncle matt for bringing this crucial rite of psychological passage to the forefront of our consciousness.
P.S.- I did go for it in the buff, but i moved quickly, didn't make eye contact, and then promptly called my "friend" to berate HER "friend's" advice on the matter of public showers. it's amazing what we can overcome when $2.15 is as stake.
Thanks for your great comment. :) It sounds like you got shy because no one else was naked. Like if you went to a party and everyone was in tuxes and gowns and you were in sweats.
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