Sebelius: Public Health Care Option "Not The Essential Element"


without the public option the whole reform isn't going to amount to a hill of beans. if nonprofit health care co-ops were so great wouldn't we just already have them? if the public option is dropped completely my support for obama will drop with it. of all the campaign promises and proposals he made last year name me a few that he has not back peddled on or completely abandoned? Don't ask don't tell, abandoned. transparency in the war on terror, he now asks that reports and evidence of war crimes be suppressed. Guantanamo? still open. incarceration without habeus corpus - he now favors holding detainees indefinitely without charges. i had hopes that he was delaying on those issues in order to pass REAL universal coverage and then once that was accomplished build on the momentum of that success to implement these other changes afterwords. i'm beginning to see him as a do nothing president. besides these private nonprofit co-ops what exactly will the health care reform bill do to change the mess our hodge-podge patchwork health care system has become?
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