glenn beck - like watching someone slowely develop schizophrenia? - video

the tears (again!) and then the somewhat nonsensical allegory of the party and the beer and the dad - what is he trying to say (again)?

the simpler time beck longs for was the same time period when he was a teenager already addicted to drugs - does he really want to go back that time?

According to Wikipedia, in 1979, the date of the commercial that made Glenn Beck cry, his mother drowned in a mysterious boating accident. His parents had divorced in 1977 and he then had to move to a different town to live with his father. His step-brother subsequently committed suicide. Keep those apparent facts in mind and watch the Youtube clip.


Anonymous said...

But you didn't notice in the video that he showed of Anita Dunn sticking her tongue out when she talks? That is a sign that her scizo meds are wearing off.

uncle matt said...

oh cool - so they will both have someone to talk to in the support group :)