VP debate moderator Ifill releasing pro-Obama book

well, i don't think that's very fair - they should find someone else due to her "conflict of interest."


of course, the website that the article is on is hardly objective itself :(

secondly in preperation for tomorrow night's VP debates:

Palin Proved to Be Formidable Foe in Alaska Debates

Despite Gov. Palin's recent travails, Democrats seem to be raising expectations for her performance. "We've looked at tapes of Gov. Palin's debates, and she's a terrific debater," Obama campaign manager David Plouffe told reporters Saturday. "She's obviously a skilled speaker. We expect she'll give a great performance next Thursday."

She was a sensation as a candidate for governor two years ago, excelling in about a dozen debates during a primary bid against a sitting governor and later in the general election against a former governor attempting a comeback. In both rounds of voting, she was in a three-way race, the only woman running against two older men. A newcomer, she radiated "change" -- and stood out with trademark attire, such as a chic scarlet blazer that became almost her debate uniform.

as well as this article:

Why Sarah Palin Is A Better Debater Than You Think


Anonymous said...

" 'well, i don't think that's very fair - they should find someone else due to her "conflict of interest.' "

Well, I have to kind of agree because I felt the same way about Snuffleupagus moderating the Obama/Clinton debate (what with him actually working for the Clintons at one time. I heard he even had sleepovers at their house with those adult footie pajamas you love so much.) At any rate, the difference here is that Obama himself is not IN this debate and her pro-Obama stance does not necessarily = an endorsement for Biden. He gives people a few reasons to dislike him every now and then and I trust that she will be tough on him, as she typically is.

And what makes you think that article wasn't objective? Was it the t-shirt of Obama with Mickey Mouse ears for sale in the side panel or the ad that says his female workers only make $.83 on the dollar?
