Lost “Little Shop of Horrors” Ending, thot lost in a warehouse fire, Found on YouTube

The web has resurrected a rare alternate ending to a 1986 musical about a monstrous, blood-sucking plant.
The spectacular 24-minute sequence shows an army of giant plants rampaging past city skyscrapers, overturning cars, swallowing railroads, and demolishing New York City, Godzilla-style. The U.S. army discovers the plants are bulletproof, and as helicopters flee, the plants swarm over the statue of Liberty.

It cost $5 million, took 11 months to produce, and has never been released.

Well, almost never.

Ten years ago, "Little Shop of Horrors" was available on a DVD including the toothier alternate ending — for exactly five days. But Warner Brothers failed to secure the proper copyrights for the alternate ending — and the DVD was recalled. For the next decade, producer David Geffen and Warner Brothers wrangled and promised to restore the original ending, until Warner Brothers finally discovered in 2007 that it had already been burned in a studio fire.

But while Hollywood argued, the coveted footage quietly slipped onto YouTube.

Watch Part I, Part II, and Part III

Youtube description says:

The original everyone-dies ending from the play, changed after test audiences whined. Heartbreaking both for Audrey's reprise of "Somewhere That's Green" and the glimpse it offers of the classic that could have been had the filmmakers stayed true to the retelling of Faust that lent moral resonance to its otherwise campy source material.

the whole story is here.