we will miss you W

concerning the neighborhood where george and laura just bought their new post peredential house, their neighbors will include Ross Perot! that could provide for some fun neighborhood ocktail parties since Ross ran against W's dad. and of course, nothing the bush's do can take place without some sort of public relations disaster (for example - see laura sending out hanakuh cards with christmas trees on the front) this situation to has a "doh!" moment:

Until 2000, the neighborhood association's covenant said only white people were allowed to live there, though an exception was made for servants. The document, enacted in 1956, reads:

"Said property shall be used and occupied by white persons only except these covenants shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race or nationality in the employ of a tenant."

George Bush may be the poorest one in the hood with a ranch home worth only $3 million. After reading around, we came up with a list of some of his famous neighbors.

* Ross Perot, house valued at $24 million
* Mark Cuban, house valued at $18 million
* Billionaire Tom Hicks, who co-founded the buyout firm Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Inc. He bought the Texas Rangers from W.