Job Hunting In The Web 2.0 Jungle


Jason, your insights are wonderful and I am glad to see you here on Huff. My only thought to add is that it would be interesting to here your advice for someone who was not seeking to eventually be a CEO, regional office manager, even a basic secretary... All statements that advise caution as to how and where and when to post information to the internet should be taken very seriously! You must be aware (for some it is perhaps too late?) that anything and everything you ever post(ed) to the internet can be found. For the relative newbie - anyone who entered the internet era after, say, 2000 - this should be re-iterated again and again. What might be interesting to see would be two different followups.

1: What should the person who already made all of these erroneous statement online do now if they do not wish them to become known.

2: What is the best route for the person who has chosen a non-traditional career to promote their interests. The Artist? The career sex worker (they do exist - and they retire before 40... :) The cirque du soliel performer - what-have-you, who wants to specifically promote the fact that they are "out there?" One instance comes to mind - Andy Warhol. What would be the best way to promote himself online? I appreciate your article and and agree with it, but I wanted to raise another scenario or two for your consideration :)

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t23 said...

good point poppy!

fuck those bastards!