Meghan vs bristol - the future of the GOP?

Both in their 20s and both children of different faces of the Republican Party

Meghan Mccain:

some honesty?
The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Meghan McCain
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorGay Marriage

Bristol Palin:

first some humour:

Bristol Palin Interview from scottbateman on Vimeo.

one of 750,000 teen pregnancies per year. the other question no one wants to talk about is that since humans become capable of reproducing (and very much encouraged by their own bodies just try to remember what it felt like when you were 16!) is there the possibility that our biology is trying to tell us something? In our current society it is easiest to be a mom or a dad when one is in their late 20s or 30s but maybe that is a disorder of society and not a disorder of our own genetic and biological imperatives? if one wanted to be "totally traditional" males and females would be married by 16. This is part of the problem concerning the stance of the conservatives regarding sex and teenage pregnancy. It seems to be a matter of just how traditional and how conservative you might want to be... conservative 1970, 1950, 1930, 1850, 1700, 1200 a.d.? My problem with the entire "conservative movement" is that it is entirely retroactive - a desire to return to some ancient golden age that obviously never existed, apart, maybe, from the garden of Eden? I want to look forward and i want to look towards the future as a positive possibility and I only find this in one American party right now. The simple slogan of "Hope" works for the democrats but not for the republicans because the democrats offer hope for the future, rather than a simple dragging of feet in resistance to the past. Please feel free to contradict! I love discussions!

so she is the poster child of absitinence now, but wasn't a minute ago...

there are two options here in our modern American society and i think they are both inherently at odds - A: remain a virgin until you are 25-35 or practice saf(er) sex before then. These are the two realistic options we currently have, for whatever reasons, so we need to pick one as realistic and one as not...

here is another question that gets at the bottom of things: do you think either of these women are old enough or experienced enough to be speaking on this subject? your answer to that question probably will determine you answer to all the other questions raised...


and finally: