Blog tag. I usually pretend to ignore these sorts of things but I like this one for some reason

Here are the rules:
  1. Link to the person who tagged you
  2. Post the rules on your blog.
  3. Write 6 randomly unusual/generally unknown things about yourself.
  4. Tag 6-ish people at the end of your post.*
  5. Let each person know he/she has been tagged.
  6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
I was tagged by: (not really but I stole it from his blog...)

Uncle Matt's tag answers:

1. Before I was born my parents told my siblings they wanted to name me Matthew. My brother David, previously "the baby" at ten years old became visibly upset. When asked what was wrong he pleaded with them to not name me Matthew because he was sure other kids would call me "Fat Matt" when I got to school age. No idea where he got this idea, but my mother's solution was to offer that my middle name be David just like my brother's first name (he had been named after our "grandpop mustache" who's name was David Stone and had previously owned a candy store with lots of stuffed animal heads on the walls. by the time us kids came along the store was closed but he still lived in the back of the house, while the front had empty display cases and all the stuffed heads on the wall. To get to him in his bed in the back one needed to navigate the somewhat creepy abandoned candy shop. He also still had an actual outhouse in his rowhome backyard in Philly.) Somehow having me middle-named after my brother made the possibility of me being taunted in grade school much more palatable to David and thus it is that I was allowed to be Matt.

2. When I was little I simply LOVED Siberian tigers and unicorns (yes, unicorns)

3. I usually wear no underwear.

4. I am generally very open to most any foods but I thoroughly dislike beets and liver.

5. I was baptized as an infant in the Roman Catholic Church but was never confirmed since my parents had become Pentecostals by the time I was of confirmation age. The Church we attended started as a "home church" that sprung from a bible study group and consisted of a lot of ex-hippy jesus freek types. It was a full on holy-roller slain in spirit talking in tongues rapture awaiting re-lyriced rock and pop song singing extravaganza. later my parents and siblings migrated towards somewhat more mainstream Churches and I landed in the Orthodox Church eventually.

6. My current favorite flavor/smell is that of mangoes, followed closely by coconut milk and cilantro.

I tag:

c/teen/explore to discover

* I think I might have to break the rules because I'm not sure I know anyone else personally who blogs... :(

here is the original with answers from tony:

This is a difficult assignment, Nat, because basically my entire blog consists of random things about me. But here are six more:

I am a hypochondriac. If you describe Interstitial Cystitis to me in vivid enough detail, I’ll soon begin to wonder if I’m peeing too much. If I see a movie where someone develops a Bairnsdale ulcer, I’ll begin to wonder if that place where I gouged myself with a screwdriver isn’t starting to spread rather than heal. I don’t generally pester anyone about it, I just suffer in silence and imagine how my children will get along without me.

In the sixth grade I was the smallest kid in my class, including the girls. I got the biggest girl in class, Stephanie Cato, to be my girlfriend. She protected me.

One of my first jobs in high school was cleaning banks at night. One night the wiring on my vacuum cleaner shorted, and when I grabbed a metal door handle, I completed the circuit. Current ran through me for a second, and then it was as if someone picked me up, walked backwards with me a couple of feet, and set me down out of reach of both the vacuum cleaner and the door. Sometimes I imagine it was an angel who lifted me up. This gives me comfort, especially when I think I might have Hemangioma Thrombocytopenia Syndrome.

My stepfather grew marijuana back when Nancy Reagan was telling all us kids to just say no. For some reason I believed that if the police came we would all be put in jail — me, my mom, and my brothers. I used to tense up when anyone knocked on the door, or whenever a sheriff’s car drove down our street.

You might think that I dream about my daughter all the time, but the truth is that I hardly ever dream of her at all, no matter how hard I try.

Four year-old Isaac has better fashion sense than me. I have to have someone tell me that two things match before I will wear them, and then they become an outfit that I go back to over and over. Today I wanted to wear my blue sweater, but the shirt I usually wear under it was dirty. I asked Isaac what shirt I should wear instead, and without hesitating he picked a striped one that goes perfectly.


t23 said...

no comprendo,

I don't understand the instructions and who will I tag? You guys are all I know who blog. Plus I don't understand the instructions; Link to the person who tagged you? How?

Tag 6-ish people at the end of your post? Whats that?

Let each person know he/she has been tagged. hmmmm?

Let the tagger know when your entry is up? Am I not the tagger? What entry?

I am terribly confused, maybe my brain is fried from finals being so close or something.

C said...

His brain's not fried, he's a stubborn tight ass who doesn't go along with the rest of us. ;)

I am working on my response! It'll be posted sometime soon.

uncle matt said...
