tavi the 12 year old style/pop culture genius?

i have been following the story of tavi since i first heard of her early last week, all the while waiting for her to be revealed as some kind of hoax. she is 12 and has her own blog, most of which deals with her exploring fashion. some photos of her daily outfit choices, but also a lot of very arty fashion type pics she takes and a bunch of text that seems to have been typed by a 35 year old who works at Vogue.

Well, she hasn't been exposed thus far so i thought i would finally mention a couple things related to her.

A: her description of herself from her blog:
I am a 12 year old space cowboy that can fit in mail bins and pretends to follow baseball season. To pass the time I write fairy tale fan fiction, in which princesses join cults and witches are photographed by Wendy Bevan. My favorite foods are raspberries and hipsters, and my #1 pet peeve is Comic Sans. Magic wandery is my prime method for self defense, along with some karate I picked up in fourth grade and excellent insults I spontaneously come up with on the spot. Your mom.
B: this video where she raps about her parents taking her to visit to H&M - and she claims it is her reward to all of us for voting, then at the end she explains that she has some previous rap experience because in second grade she was obsessed with writing raps about poop:

Untitled from Tavi G on Vimeo.

C: well, just her blog itself: